LeisureWorld Churchfield

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  • LeisureWorld Churchfield

    LeisureWorld Churchfield Gym CorkAt LeisureWorld Churchfield we are very aware of the stress people are under and therefore we concentrate strongly on time out. Our Holistic classes are just the answer to ensure your time out is rewarding and relaxing. All our instructors are highly experienced and highly qualified. At LeisureWorld Churchfield we possess a large spacious mirrored aerobics studio with a sprung wooden floor. We have a range of weekly classes on offer.

    LeisureWorld ChurchfieldThe gymnasium facility is second to none in Cork with amazing views of Cork City. We possess both cardiovascular and resistance equipment as well as a free weights area and stretching area.

    The gymnasiums are always supervised with qualified staff that are on hand to help you achieve your fitness or weight loss goals.

    Body Stat Assessments

    LeisureWorld Churchfield offer a comprehensive body start test to help you establish your current fitness status. Whatever goal you want to achieve, be it to get fit, loose weight or increase muscle size, we can help with a fitness assessment. This assessment will measure different aspects of fitness, the procedure for which is as follows:
    . Screened before assessment to inform instructors of any medical or physical disabilities.
    . Take blood pressure.
    . Take heart rate.
    . Measure height.
    . Measure weight.
    . Girth measurements - in this test the instructor takes measurements of different areas of the body (i.e. chest, hips, thigh etc.) The purpose is to monitor the progression of the client's weight resistance training programme. On reassessment, result of the girth measurement should have decreased.
    . Measure body Composition - Body composition refers to identifying the fat & non-fat elements of body weight.
    . Aerobic Test - 1 mile on treadmill
    . Push-up test (optional)
    . Curl-up test (optional)
    . Flexibility test

    Once the test is completed, the goals you want to achieve are discussed. A programme is then prescribed to help achieve these goals.

    Related Links to LeisureWorld Churchfield

    LeisureWorld Churchfield Gym Facilities
    LeisureWorld Churchfield Fitness Classes
    LeisureWorld Churchfield Membership Price
    LeisureWorld Churchfield Address and Map
    LeisureWorld Churchfield Contact Details

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